Mabon. Autumn equinox

IMG_8991A woodland Mandala that my son and I made today. We will be making more of these at my Forest school group tomorrow.

Today is Mabon the Autumn equinox. This is the point in the year when days and nights are the same length and from now onwards we have a little less daylight and a little more darkness. This pattern continues until the Winter equinox on 21st December when we reach the darkest day and then gradually begin to creep towards the light once more.

IMG_9020Note the new arrivals, two rabbits we brought for the kids at the beginning of the summer holidays. They are called ‘Monty’ and ‘Don’ after our favourite gardener!IMG_9018IMG_9006IMG_9001

Noticing A chill in the air early in the morning and in the evenings

Feeling exhausted after hosting a sleep-over party for 6 of my daughter’s friends

Wishing for a computer of my own so that I could work without constant distractions

Eating left-over vegan chocolate birthday cake

Wondering if the weather will keep on being kind to me

Wearing welly boots and wooly socks one day, sandals the next

Watching the leaves change colour by the day

Listening to bird song while I am working in the woods

Drinking Clipper organic decaf tea with almond milk and honey – I am super fussy now

Planning a period of quiet and reflection after my Forest school ends at October half term

IMG_9031 IMG_9012 IMG_9016 IMG_9015 IMG_9034 Pumpkins, squash and mushrooms – such signs that autumn is arriving.

IMG_9039 IMG_9040 I love calendula. It always amazes me just how many flowers are produced from a single plant. The flower in full bloom and the seed head shown above are on the same plant! I let it self-seed and have loads now from buying just one packed of seeds a few years ago.

IMG_9044 IMG_9027IMG_9026There is still lots to harvest in the garden. The plums, figs and blackberries were wonderful. We have had lots of apples too, the cooking apples will be ready in a few weeks so I am planning a big cook up to  make apple puree and freeze lots to see us through.